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Stop Avoiding Responsibilities with This Simple Fix

I am about to change your life, business, and your marriage in one blog.


After about 11 years of marriage, my husband and I had a major sit down about the dishes. He LOVES when I cook, I HATE doing the dishes.


I also (as I’ve gotten older), do not enjoy waking up to a messy kitchen. I prefer a clean slate for each day.


So we got into this really good routine where he does the dishes every night before bed; and I gave up the argument about WHEN he does the dishes, just as long as they get done. Compromise…right?! 🤗


Well, Tuesday morning I come out to the kitchen, and OH.MY.DISHES! The sink was FILLED with all the dishes from the entire day. Plates stacked to overflowing and the slow cooker I needed for Tuesday’s meal.


Did I mention that my 11-year-old son didn’t UNLOAD the dishwasher from the day before either?!’s a whole domino effect that happened, see?


Well, I had to get started with my work and he was running late for his work; and on his way out the door says “I’ll do the dishes later!”


Now, I had a choice.


I could either give into the rage that was welling up inside of me from unmet expectations…


I could set the timer for 15 minutes and just see how much I could get done.


So, that’s what I did. I set the timer for 15 minutes, I chose to do the dishes for me because I am not motivated or inspired with clutter around (I know - crazy).


And wouldn’t you know, not only did I finish unloading the dishwasher…. I reloaded it, hand-washed a million saucepans AND the slow cooker I needed for the day, AND had 2 minutes to spare.


You see, the problem is, we live in such a distracted world that demands instant gratification, and we waste so much time avoiding things we don’t want to do because we think it will take us longer than it will, so things begin to pile up.


This happens in our business too!


We avoid certain responsibilities like budgeting, marketing, and deeply connecting with our clients because we think it will take so long.


But the truth is, sometimes you just have to set a timer for 15 minutes and get started.


My frustration with my husband melted away after I finished the dishes, because let’s be honest, he’s exhausted too and I know he doesn’t have ill intent or avoided the dishes on purpose.


So what have you been avoiding that you need to set a timer for?


What have you been avoiding that you need to give yourself grace about and just get started?


Maybe things have piled up so high in your business, you don’t even know where to start.


Take this 10-question quiz to see where you can start and how to make the most impact in your business NOW.


Then set a timer, and get it done.


If you found this helpful, send it to someone who needs to hear the same message.


We got this! Marriage, parenting, and running a business is quite the balancing act….try to enjoy all the moments because, for some, it's everything they prayed for.


My prayer for you is that your husband never leaves the sink in the dishes and you don’t keep score.


I am also praying that things are not piling up in your business and you feel overwhelmed or frustrated, rather I pray your business feels exciting and full of joy!


If you want a thriving, joy-filled business that gives you financial security and freedom of time, book a 30 Minute Mentor Session here, and let’s get you back on track.


Thank you so much for being here, I’m beyond grateful for you.


With Love,





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