How to Overcome Obstacles in Your Business with Less Stress
Have you ever heard the phrase “if you pray for patience, God will give you an OPPORTUNITY to PRACTICE patience.” 👀
I’m always like, really God?!
I remember early on in my career, when things were busy and I was feeling overwhelmed, I thought to myself... One day it will get easier. One day, I will have an immense sense of peace.
But what I have found over the years is that life has moments of immense peace, there are seasons that are more peaceful than others.
A lot of times, there always seems to be something coming up; the kids get sick, there's a category five hurricane coming, you get a flat tire, the air conditioner dies, your business isn’t growing, and in these moments, when everything is going wrong... It feels like it's one thing after another.
There are two things that I have found to help keep me grounded in the seasons of life that feel like the Wild Wild West.
1 - is anchoring my soul to Jesus. If I'm being honest, it's a constant back and forth of me; seeking Him the most when things are the hardest, and then me trying to take back control when things are going really well. But I find the most peace when I'm consistently pursuing Him and laying it all at His feet.
2 - Implementing repeatable and reliable systems in my beauty business. This creates so much stability during unstable times.
When you implement repeatable and reliable systems, it is the key to overcoming obstacles that show up and help you succeed in your beauty business. Because, as we know, it's always going to be something.
So which systems should we put into place? How do we know where to focus our attention first?
I want to challenge you by asking, what stresses you out the most? Start there.
If you're stressed because of money, what about money is stressing you out?
Is it that you don't have enough clientele to generate the kind of income that you need?
Is it that you are making tons of money but you know you're not managing it well and it feels like you actually are making no money at all because you don't know where your money is going?
Is it more of a personal issue, like your laundry keeps piling up every week and that causes you stress to see that huge task staring you down every single day.
Lastly, is stuff hitting the fan personally or professionally with one of your relationships and life just feels hard. This type of stress can absolutely impact our business, because we do not feel whole and our mind is constantly thinking about the issue.
I have found that in these times, the most wonderful thing you can do for yourself is lean into your repeatable systems, not your emotional response.
What I mean by that is, let's say growing your clientele as a hairstylist has been a major struggle for you… It is genuinely stressing you out so much and you are feeling the financial pressure of trying to grow your business.
Implementing a strategy around how to grow your beauty business - will be life changing.
When you get intentional about how you spend your time and where you put your energy and your effort, that's when you get results.
For this example specifically, you can do something as simple as creating a social media strategy and consistently post, speaking directly to your dream client. Or, maybe you even join a networking group and really just put yourself out there consistently and with like minded people.
If you made it this far, and you are like ‘OMG it's like Mandy knows exactly what I'm going through’ Then I'm really glad you're here. I'm so passionate about helping independent stylists put systems in place that build such a profitable business, that they don't have to worry about their finances when life tries to tear you down.
I would like to invite you into a very unique six week founding members launch to Beauty Business Formula. This is my signature course that is filled with repeatable systems that produce proven results. I have made some changes and I would love your input. This founding member launch is going to offer Beauty Business Formula at a much reduced price, so if you are interested click here to learn more. I would love for you to join this community of amazing women, mothers, and independent stylists. Through this process you will double your income and retail sales as a hairstylist.
I can’t wait to see you there!
My prayer for you is that your life will be filled with immense peace and that you have clarity on exactly where God is leading you AND your business.
Love, Mandy
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